This product SHONKYMAPS incorporates data which is: (C) Copyright Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia) 2007. The Data has been used in SHONKYMAPS with the permission of the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth has not evaluated the Data as altered and incorporated within SHONKYMAPS, and therefore gives no warranty regarding its accuracy, completeness, currency or suitability for any particular purpose. Ownership of the data at all times remains with Geoscience Australia and can not be transferred or sold. Shonkylogic (Craig Oliver) does not sell nor give away the ownership of the data. THE DATA CONTAINED ON THIS CD IS PROVIDED 'AS IS' WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE RESULTS AND THE PERFORMANCE OF THE DATA IS ASSUMED BY THE USER, AND IN NO EVENT WILL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL OR DIRECT DAMAGES SUFFERED IN THE COURSE OF USING THE DATA. The user agrees not to attempt to decompile or modify the maps or redistribute them in any form except in the distribution file along with this copyright notice. The user agrees to bind any subsequent users (if the mapset is shared with any third party) with these same conditions. There is no support offered or implied. Automated Map Conversion process is (C) Copyright 2007 Craig Oliver (shonkylogic). All rights reserved. Installation Prerequisites ========================== You must have the following to be able to view and download this data to your Garmin GPS Unit - PC with a supported version of Windows - Approx 406MB Hard Drive Space - A LICENCED version of Garmin "Trip and Waypoint Manager", MapSource or CityNavigator. (Trip and Waypoint manager is bundled with Garmin mapping units, and updates may be available for download from the Garmin support site This software is required in order to transfer the maps to the GPS units.